As an active Squidoo Lensmaster, I often feel guilty for taking breaks from computer work. There's always so much to do on Squidoo - build new lenses, add content to the old ones, stop by and comment on lenses by other Squidoo lensmasters, participate on the Squidu forum... And the list goes on and on... I also run an Etsy store, and it certainly takes up a good part of my day. Well, this year, I decided to take a long Holiday break from Squidoo and only logged into my account every other day to refresh a lens or two. Although it wasn't a complete break, it certainly felt like a vacation to me, when compared to the 20+ hours I usually spend on Squidoo weekly. Christmas is a Holiday I cherish - it is time for family and friends. So this year I took my time to do plenty of Holiday Shopping, Decorating, Baking, and Fun Activities with those Dear to me.
If you are self-employed, like I am, there are no paid Holidays and no paid vacation time. You are in complete control of your schedule, but the downside is that taking time off may cost you... At the same time, I am very convinced that taking breaks from computer work helps me get back to reality and then later achieve greater success. Too much time in front of a computer leads to stress and fatigue and affects productivity. Although I did feel like I should have put more effort on Squidoo over the last few weeks, I am happy that I took my 3 week break from computer work and can now get back to it with more energy. My Christmas Break is now officially over. New Year is right around the corner, and now is a good time to set some new goals and come up with a plan to accomplish them.
Hope you all had a great Christmas! I sure did :)